Welcome to the My Family Finder search page

You could be one form away from finding that long lost family member

Simply input as much detail as you can. We know you won't have all information requested here, but no field is required, so do your best.

Remember - it's totally free to search - no registration required when any results appear - no registration required to contact the possible search matches.

We hope you find who you are looking for - but don't despair if you have no luck today. Keep coming back and trying again as we have 10's of people joining the database every day.

After all, it costs nothing to do a search - so keep trying.

Start your family search here:
First Name:
Last Name:
Date of Birth
Format: 00/00/0000
Place of Birth:
I am searching for my...
Previous Surname:
Previous Forename(s):
Any Nickname(s):
Previous Address(es):
Previous Country(ies):
Mother's Surname:
Mother's Forename(s):
Mother's Maiden Name:
Father's Surname:
Father's Forename(s):
Date of Adoption
Format: 00/00/0000
Adoption Agency:
Any additional information: (for example: left on hospital steps)

If you want to be found you need to be in our database.

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