Put simply, we're the online database for people who want to be found...
We want to make finding your loved ones as easy and simple as possible.
That's why we created My Family Finder - to make searching for your relatives, siblings or missing people a whole lot easier.
We don't deal with DNA, we don't create family trees, we are simply a database of people who want to be found - just like you.
It's a quick, straightforward way to help find who you may have spent years searching for.
If you have the name or some details of who you are looking for - you may just find them on My Family Finder.
We don't deal with DNA, we don't create family trees, we are simply a database of people who want to be found - just like you.
It's a quick, straightforward way to help find who you may have spent years searching for.
If you have the name or some details of who you are looking for - you may just find them on My Family Finder.

Are you adopted and
looking for your birth parents?
The My Family Finder database holds records of biological parents looking for the children they gave up for adoption.

Are you looking for a child
you gave up for adoption?
The My Family Finder holds the details of over 18 year olds looking for their biological parents.

Looking for a
long lost brother or sister?
Whether it's a biological brother or sister or half-siblings, check our records for siblings looking for people just like you.

Search our online records
for FREE!
Start searching My Family Finder today - for free.
No subscription or registering required to search or get in contact with any results.
Unlike other sites which let you search and then ask you to sign up when they tease you with possible results, My Family Finder does NOT and never will use this, frankly terrible practice. We hope you find who you're looking for - that's why we are here.
To discover your relatives, they must be registered in our database.
If you were successful in your search today, please let us know - we'd love to share your success story.
If you didn't find who you were looking for, don't despair, keep coming back - people like you are registering every day, so check back regularly.
Maybe someone is searching for you? Remember - they'll only find you if you're in the My Family Finder database.
No subscription or registering required to search or get in contact with any results.
Unlike other sites which let you search and then ask you to sign up when they tease you with possible results, My Family Finder does NOT and never will use this, frankly terrible practice. We hope you find who you're looking for - that's why we are here.
To discover your relatives, they must be registered in our database.
If you were successful in your search today, please let us know - we'd love to share your success story.
If you didn't find who you were looking for, don't despair, keep coming back - people like you are registering every day, so check back regularly.
Maybe someone is searching for you? Remember - they'll only find you if you're in the My Family Finder database.

We welcome searches and registrations from all over the world...
The world is a small place these days.
It's surprising where long lost family members may turn up so we welcome searches and registrations from anybody, anywhere across the globe. So even if you live in the UK, you may find long lost family in the US, Australia or any corner of world.
Let's make it easier
to find your long lost family
- Always FREE to searchSearch our database for free.
No fees and no registration required to view our records. - Just £9.99 to join the databaseAdd your details to our long lost family database for just £9.99 per year or £59.99 for life.
- Your data is safeYour data is secure and will never be offered to third party companies. Your profile is safe on My Family Finder.